Monday, May 12, 2014

A quick trip home

...which is unfortunately only in my mind.  Here are some photos from the fourth role of film I recently developed. Also a flashback to two + years ago when I lived on the other end of the coast.

An avenue of drippy live oaks

It's unclear why I take so many photos of mailboxes.

Definitely need to get back to the southland soon. Can I get an amen?

Approaching the edge

There's got to be something better than in the middle.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

An ode to trespassing and trucks

The idea of trespassing seems pretty durn awesome as long as no one is paying attention to you and you don't get arrested or fall into a well... There are so many good things in New England stuck behind a NO TRESPASSING sign. It deadens the soul a little...makes me long for the less posted world of the south or at least what I remember as being less posted. Anyway, I've decided I'm never going to get any good pictures if I don't take a calculated risk or two, within reason...

I often pass this old Ford fire engine on a back road lined with cranberry bogs. It's a wonder someone with a camera isn't always taking pictures of this - morning, noon, and night. They should charge admission...

Friday, May 9, 2014

The return to PCH

Now that it generally gets above 32 degrees on any given day, I've been taking me and my Chinese 35mm out and about to see what there is to see. It's liberating and a much needed creative endeavor but also a reminder of how little variety I've got around may withhold all comments about how being creative is seeing interesting things everywhere. I'm trying, people. China has ruined me, I think. I'm very itchy, even irritable, to travel somewhere.

The first roll of film I got developed is. not. helping...from my too-brief travels up the Pacific Coast Highway...two and a half years ago. Ai ya! I was absolutely giddy when the scanned files arrived in my inbox...thankfully the bill was not attached.

Oh man, what do I have to do to get another road trip under my (seat)belt or another stamp in my passport?