Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Baby Sawyer is Born!

I thought it might be kind of sacrilegious to title this "For unto us a Baby Sawyer is Born" which seemed like the more humorous title. It's the day after Christmas here and just over 48 hours ago Kevin and Sarah welcomed their very first, long awaited child into the world. First things first--he's gorgeous and I'm not saying that just because we've all been praying for him for years and staring at Sarah's belly for signs of movement for the past several months--he's just a precious, sweet, beautiful little bundle weighing in at a nearly 9 pounds with two dimply little cheeks.

Kev & Sarah asked me to take pictures on the big day. I got the call at 6:22 a.m. on Christmas Eve that they were on their way to the hospital. When I saw Kevin's name on my cell phone, not a drop of sleep remained behind my lids and I couldn't stop fidgeting until well...maybe I'm still fidgeting. I was picking up some friends from the airport, so I got ready, packed up my camera (in case the baby decided to come really quick) and headed to the airport. Fidgeting on the way to the airport. Fidgeting at the airport. Got a message that Sarah was indeed in official labor. Called friend and roomie Katie who was in the States so we could scream and holler in excitement. Got friends. Got home. Got a text--baby coming quickly. Got to the street to get in a cab--baby coming in 45 minutes. Oh my goodness. Here I'd been imaging hours and hours of waiting at the hospital and I was now in danger of missing the birth (and I was supposed to be in the delivery room!)

When I got there I rushed in with about 30 minutes to spare. Sarah was breathing and getting her strength up so the room was pin drop quiet. I was a little curious as to whether or not this event would scar me a tad. I mean--it's no easy affair (for Sarah), but it was remarkably not tramatic in the least. I attest this to Sarah who never even cursed, not once! With camcorder in one hand and camera in the other, I tried to capture all the good stuff--the nurses and doctor counting with Sarah through each contraction. Kevin cheering Sarah on. Sarah speaking (in Chinese!) with the nurses and doctors and of course, doing her darnest to bring baby into the world. Then, there he was! Grady Glenn himself crying and in Sarah's arms. Kevin tearing up. The nurse (and Kevin) counting Gray's ten fingers and ten toes. Measuring and weighing him. Wrapping him up like a cocoon. Yawning. Crying. Napping. It was an amazing experience and such a blessing on the eve of the celebration of our own Savior's birth!

For more pictures see:

1 comment:

scs said...

It was amazing to share this miracle with you!! Thanks again for being there to cheer us on and document the momentous day!! Fun to read about how everything went down (or came out, ha!) from your perspective.
We love you! ~ K, S & Baby G