Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sanfranication: To Golden Gate

We made it to the last leg of the trip with this and one more post full o' pics (and then eventually one final post with film pics--there are a few you're going to swoon over.)

I loved San Francisco and after lots of alone time in Big Sur, I thankful to get to spend time with my great friend Bev who lives there. She had to work my first day so I walked along the water and ended up (at long last, took me for-ev-er) at the majestic Golden Gate Bridge. Although I wish it hadn't taken so long to get there (had to turn in the rental and then it was a long walk), I did hit the bridge at the pppperrrfffeeeccccttttt time of day as the sun was setting. The setting sun seemed to dissipate all the haze and turn that bridge into the perfect shade of saffron.

Here's a teaser of the pics to come...

Grrr. I do not remember what this was called but it was neat-o. The ruins of a luxury spa, I think?

Mysterious totem pole

Unfortunately the Camera Obscura, which was modeled after an invention of Da Vinci, was closed for repair.

I walked and walked and walked...

Finally, I got to the end of the trails and then got to walk some more but this time through some of the pretty and expensive homes of San Fran. This poor puppy dog made me laugh. He looked so so board...must have been waiting for the kids to come home.

I was so hot walking and walking and walking. That is one hilly city.

But finally.....
 I made it to the bridge as the wind kicked up and then I was intensely cold, but so excited to catch the Bridge at the perfect time of day.

Ohhh there were so many Chinese people every where. I was in heaven hearing them speak and seeing Chinese around town. 我很像普通话!

Alcatraz. Really wanted to go but it was a holiday weekend and all the tickets were sold out.

Love getting birds in my pictures as long as they're not flying over my head.

I was there looking cute and cold but chinless.

I took tons of pics but did not want to overkill you with the time the hills and food of San Fran

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