Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Haiti: Walks

The grocery store in Port-au-Prince turned out to be a complete disappointment. I love foreign grocery stores, but the only foreign thing about this one was that we were in Haiti. Probably 97.69% of it was imported from America (further evidence of the problems in Haiti's infrastructure and that the country produces almost nothing.)

But...almost daily walks around the countryside in Jacmel did not disappoint. With Haitian Bob (as opposed to white Bob) leading the way, I got to see real life...because the parsonage where we were staying was awesome, but not exactly the everyday Haitian's experience. Let's take a stroll...
 Unfortunately, I believe these white thingies were some sort of voodoo. Not a fan. They look so exotic though in the low light of the evening. I think this should be a book cover. Don't you love a good book cover? I do.

 My neck already tends to bother me with all the stuff I carry around. Don't think I'll take this a dirt road.
 There goes Bob.

 Jeremy was our driver, and looks like a force to be reckoned with in this photo, but he's a sweet dad of several girls. The kids loved him....but you probably shouldn't mess with them.
Some church folks we visited on a morning walk

 Our church helps support a farming co-op with our sister church. They are farming chickens and had a fresh crop of baby birds. Once they get up to 600 birds (currently at 300), they think they can make a decent profit for the farmers and ladies in the church, who will sell them.

 Can't help but love this scene.
 Scott might have tried to steal this baby. He was definitely worth stealing.

Haitian Bob! So photogenic.

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