Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's Warm, It's a Robe Turned Backwards, It's Snuggie!

When first I saw the Snuggie, I couldn't believe how low the As Seen On TV products had gotten. They were always pretty sad, but this...this was a polyester fleece robe turned backwards so that people wouldn't have to have cold forearms while turning the channel in the winter time.
Then they seemed to have caught on, not only as a joke, but people actually purchased them. Now they've appeared on the runway at New York Fashion Week. Sure, it's kind of a joke, but this may not be the last we see of high-end Snuggie. The Times has a slide show of them here.


therooddog said...

Another birthday suggestion ?

Flynn said...

Ha. Not on your life.

scs said...

Are you kidding? Winter in SH...i want one!